Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I visited with the cardiologist yesterday in hopes of getting some help with my irregular heartbeat problem. The result of that visit is that I am now wearing a 48-hour heart monitor. If the irregular heartbeat is regular then I may be able to get shocked back into rhythm. If it is irregular (that is if it comes and goes) then we will have to look at medication. I will be going back in tomorrow morning to see the results of the heart monitor and at the same time have another echo cardiogram to make sure nothing else is wrong. I also believe that I am experiencing fluid buildup again so will see about having a lung tap today. My recess from chemo treatment is not going quite as I had hoped, but if we can get the heart situation taken care of I will be feeling pretty close to normal. If the fluid buildup continues it looks as if we will have to deal with that on an ongoing basis.


Jeanine said...

Thanks for the update. How was sleeping with the heart monitor?

I sure wish it were going better for you. It must be so frustrating and discouraging. But the heart doc will know something tomorrow and then you can go from there.

I love you!


kismadar said...

Hi Grandpa,

Thanks for the update. I'll wear my heart rate monitor today at practice and send some vibes for you getting to work out again when they figure this heart thing out.

Good luck tomorrow.


Mary said...

Glad you are being looked after. I look forward to reading how your appt. goes today. Have you had any of the cabbage casserole? Do you still like it? Lana and I enjoyed our visit very much. Look forward to the next one. Love you, Mary