Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The results of the 48 hour heart monitor came back late yesterday. I have not seen them, but apparently they showed that my heart is beating irregularly and very fast. So, the doctor prescribed amiodarone which I started taking today. I have to take three 200mg tablets each day. This is supposed to slow down my heart, but I don’t know how long it will be before the medicine takes effect. I am looking forward to it working quickly. I know some of you who read this blog have had similar heart maladies. Have any of you taken this drug?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
At some point we will have to deal with the fluid issue, but we probably won’t do that until all of the test are in and I have my
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I visited with the cardiologist yesterday in hopes of getting some help with my irregular heartbeat problem. The result of that visit is that I am now wearing a 48-hour heart monitor. If the irregular heartbeat is regular then I may be able to get shocked back into rhythm. If it is irregular (that is if it comes and goes) then we will have to look at medication. I will be going back in tomorrow morning to see the results of the heart monitor and at the same time have another echo cardiogram to make sure nothing else is wrong. I also believe that I am experiencing fluid buildup again so will see about having a lung tap today. My recess from chemo treatment is not going quite as I had hoped, but if we can get the heart situation taken care of I will be feeling pretty close to normal. If the fluid buildup continues it looks as if we will have to deal with that on an ongoing basis.
Monday, February 11, 2008
First One Thing -- Then another
OK. I think we got some good news today. The CT scan showed that the cancer is stable and there has been very little build up of fluid, so we are going to give it another six weeks to see what happens. We will have another CT scan on March 25. In the meantime we will be dealing with the heart issue that has developed. I continue to have erratic heartbeat from time to time and it seems to be happening more frequently. A typical day I’ll range from 140 pulse rate (sometimes higher) down to 50 (sometimes lower). I don’t have a continuous monitor so these are random readings throughout the day. I can usually tell when something isn’t right and that’s when I’ll take a reading. The biggest problem with this is that when this condition occurs it interrupts my sleep. I go to sleep and in about five minutes wake up gasping for breath. So, I don’t know if this is AFIB, Apnea or something else. In any event, since we won’t be taking chemo it will be a good opportunity to try to get the heart thing under control. I have an appointment with my cardiologist next Tuesday. (I wanted it sooner but he is out of the office). Up to this point he has been reluctant to do anything since the cancer and chemo treatment had priority. Now I should be feeling good which will give me further opportunity to regain strength. The heart rate thing has limited my ability to exercise but I have made some progress. The doc says that when my heart rate is going up and down I should just lay low. As a result I can only exercise on those days when my heart isn’t acting up. All of this is an evolving process so I will keep you informed as things change.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Looking to the Future
I will be getting another CT scan on Monday, Feb. 11. I misquoted earlier when I said the scan would be on the 13th. I will be sure to give you a full account of how that turns out and what the future will hold. I have been enjoying the break from treatment. While I am not 100% I have been feeling pretty good, have had a good appetite, have been exercising and in general enjoying life. I still get tired quickly but have been able to do things like cook and bake as long as I don’t stand up too long. Everyone seems to be happy that I am back in front of the stove. Well, Super Tuesday has come and gone and did it really prove anything? Not yet, it would seem, except on the Republican side. I still find it irritating that these primaries carry as much weight as they do. If you look at the numbers very few people are deciding who our candidates should be. However, I do not particularly disagree with the results given the choices available. I think it is a shame that the candidates who in my opinion were the most experienced and best qualified have had to drop out of the race for lack of support. But I shouldn't be surprised as political races have become all about money and who can look the best on television.