Wednesday, March 26, 2008



The good news yesterday was that my CT scan showed there has been no progression of my lung cancer and the amount of cancer is “very little” according to my doctor. By the way, I don’t know that I have talked much about my doctor in these posts, but in my mind he ranks right up there with the great people I have met during my life. His skill, knowledge and practical approach to medicine are quite impressive. I have included a link to his blog, Onctalk, on my blog and recommend that if you haven’t already done so you should give it a look.

Now don’t get the idea that we have fashioned a “cure”. I still have the cancer, it could start growing again at any time, or it could metastasize to some other part of my body. We are going to maintain an every six weeks monitoring schedule to check its progress. For now, I’m going to enjoy the relief from treatment. Hopefully I will get my heart situation (see previous post "So We Will Wait Awhile) straightened out in the next couple of weeks and when that happens I will be able to get back to exercising and regaining my strength.


Several of you have asked about the mask. I have tried it now for the last two nights. The first night I did fall asleep with it and woke up after an hour with a bit of a cough. A cough doesn’t work too well with the mask so I abandoned it and slept pretty well the rest of the night except I think apprehension related to the upcoming CT scan the next day hampered my sleep. Last night, relieved by the scan report, I slept for two hours with the mask. I’m not quite sure why I wanted to get rid of it at that point but I did and I slept really great the rest of the night. So we will keep trying.


Lana said...


What great news! Hopefully, after your heart issues are at bay, you will be able to enjoy your break from treatment to its fullest extent!! I am so happy, and thanks for sharing this wonderful news!

Love you,

Jeanine said...

Yippee Yi Yea!!!!!!!

I'm rubbing my hands together and squeeling!

I love ya,


kismadar said...

Yay! I'm so glad! Thank you for sharing the great news!


George P. said...

That's terrific news John! Millions of us are living just fine with the A-Fib thing, so that too will soon be good news as your doctors get control. March on warrior!


Mary said...

Super news! How is your appetite and all of that doing? Any feeling issues in your hands and feet still or is some of that getting better? How about your balance? I'm just nosy you know. I'm glad you're giving the mask a good workout. Sleep is so important as you well know. Did the doctor say anything about the other little spot things on the previous scan? Love you lots. Mary