Thursday, January 24, 2008


We are almost five weeks past the last treatment and on balance I am feeling much better. However, I still have some stomach and intestinal discomfort. But the shortness of breath has abated and I think the breathlessness I now experience is just the result of being weak and out of shape. I am exercising again which is good, doing some walking and light weight work. So, we’ll just have to see how all of this works out, but at least I am happy to be feeling better. We will be looking forward to the next CT Scan scheduled for Feb. 13, the results of which will determine our future course of action.


Jim Musgrave said...

Great to read your message of 01/24/08. Jan and I will continue to pray that God give us the desires of all our hearts. Love, Jim Musgrave

Jeanine said...

I hope your strenght returns as you are once again able to exercise. I hope you also get back enough energy to cook a little and eat a lot. :-)

Love, Jeanine

Dodi's Journey said...

Happy belated 74th birthday daddy. I think I even talked to you on the 23rd but completely forgot! Argh!

Love, Alicia

Jeanine said...

Hi Daddy,

I checked your blog hoping for a new update. Considering yesterday was Big Tuesday or something like that, I figured you'd have something to say about the caucuses. (sp?)

I was also wondering how life has been treating you - what you've been up to, what you've been thinking, how you've been feeling, etc.
