Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The irregular heart rate and erratic blood pressure seem to have calmed down so I am left with some shortness of breath, the tummy ache and some intestinal discomfort. Other than that I am feeling pretty good. Some relatively good news. Because of the shortness of breath I thought I might be getting fluid buildup on my lung so I went in yesterday to have that checked. The xray and subsequent ultrasound showed that there is very little fluid build up, not enough to tap. Also, the pathology report on the fluid that was drained about two months ago, showed that the mass of malignate cells in the fluid has been reduced. So taken together with the fact that the CT scans have shown the tumor to be reducing in size this seems to be encouraging news.

1 comment:

Mary said...

That is good news. I'm sure that must make you a bit relieved. You have been on my mind a lot since we talked the other day. This morning I was thinking about the Christmas that we (Mom) gave you the banjo. We had so much fun wrapping that up and trying to disguise it. We didn't do too well as my memory tells it since you guessed what it was. Lots of fun memories with the banjo too. Love you, Mary