Saturday, December 22, 2007


I have for the most part always liked dreams (the kind you have when you are sleeping). They can be a pleasant interlude in an otherwise turbulent world and on occasion they can even help you solve problems. Of course nightmares sometimes intrude, but even they can be interesting and sometimes serve to let us know how silly it is to worry about some things. Since chemotherapy though the whole dream thing has changed. For one thing it used to always irritate me if I awoke in the middle of a particularly good dream and then on going to sleep was never able to resume the dream. Now, I will keep having the same dream, over and over, regardless of how many times I wake up. I rarely can remember the dreams, but I know they are always about some serious, problem solving, often mathematical situation that makes no sense. For example, in one of my dreams that I do remember my oldest daughter and I were cooking together. We were working our butts off and at one point we decided we finally had enough prepared to feed everyone from here to Prosser. Now Prosser is a town located about 180 miles southeast of Seattle and I would not have any idea how many people there are between here and there, but it would be a big bunch. Every time I went back to sleep that night we were once again slaving away trying to make enough food for the people between here and Prosser. As far as I can recall I don’t have pleasant dreams, only the serious, problem solving kind. I have no idea what all of this means, but I think it is interesting and thought you might think so too. If anyone has any profound explanations let me know.

It's Saturday now and I am feeling pretty good. The shortness of breath has improved and the stomach discomfort has abated. So feeling good just in time for my next treatment which is Monday.


Unknown said...


Well now that I'm finally in the loop about your blog I am looking forward to reading your updates!

As far as the dreams are concerned, I very frequently have dreams like you are describing--in those very frustrating instances, I am usually solving some mundane problem over and over again. I think these dreams started the first fall I worked weekends at a local pumpkin ranch where I was a pumpkin weigher. Afterwards, usually on Sunday nights, I would dream ceaslessly about totaling the weights of all the pumpkins I had lifted throughout the day. On these nights, I bore myself awake over an over again. Given that you are having them too, I can only suspect these dreams are signs of inteligence. :) That or a subconcious desire to be an accountant. Either way, I'd sure rather dreams about hidden treasure.

Good luck with the latest treatment and merry Christmas!


Mary said...

Well, this is the oldest daughter, Mary. I have been having the same dream! Although we are feeding all of the people between Prosser and Seattle! Just kidding. I hate those kind of dreams. I have them repeatedly. I have alsolutely no subconscious desire to be an accountant though. I rarely remember my dreams but I did remember one I had a couple of weeks ago. It was one that kept changing like a kaleidoscope with no sense to any of the segments. I was lost, then trapped, and saved myself and then I was scared and mad. What made me the most mad in this mess was that someone had taken the driver's car door off of my car and folded it in half and hid it in the trunk of another car although the lid to that trunk was open. Not very well hidden, huh. Well, I was glad to wake up from that one.

Dodi's Journey said...

Okay, here goes with my serious thoughts on the dreams. Just know you can always delete from being allowed access to your blog dad!

I think the dream is actually based on a very real and concrete concern that you have for West Seattle. You had always planned on taking a much more active role in creating positive change for the future in West Seattle once you retired. Traffic issues and water issues etc. I think the dreams are related to your concern for the people of Washington State and more specifically the people of West Seattle.

Now with your health in question the concerns are being played out in your dreams through your passion for cooking.

And if not that then I must agree with Andy, they are simply a reflecting of your above average intelligence. I fly alot in my dreams, or more specifically glide on currents of air, I wonder what that means!

Love you Dad,
