Thursday, September 18, 2008


My visit to the doctor today was uneventful. We did a blood test, but the results weren't back yet so we didn't learn anything from that. The main purpose of the visit was to assess how I am doing with Tarceva. So far I am having very minor side effects. So the next question is whether the medicine is doing any good. We will have another CTscan on Oct. 8 to see if the medicine is working. If it is we will continue to take it. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Our visit to the doctor today was quite encouraging. The cancer continues to show no sign of growth. In fact the doc says it has actually reduced to a small degee. He is recommending that I start on a drug called Tarceva. It is a once a day pill that is designed to keep the cancer from growing. So we will give it a try. There are some potential side effects, but the doc doesn't think they will be too severe. If that turns out to be true we will keep taking it. If not we can stop taking it. I'll be seeing the doc again in two weeks to assess results. I'll keep you informed.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


comes slowly, but we are making progress. Physically
I am doing quite well, gaining strength and walking a mile a day. My hands are still a problem, but they are getting better. I am just impatient and want it to be quicker. I am sure that I will recover fully from the effects of the stroke. The wild card in all of this is the cancer. We will find out more about that tomorrow as I am scheduled for another CTScan. Our hope is that the cancer will still be showing no sign of progression. I will post again tomorrow and let you know where we stand.