Saturday, July 12, 2008

More Adventures

Much has happened since my last post. I am in the hospital in San Francisco having come here to have a nice vacation with my grandson and my granddaughter. Good plans don't always work out and in this case I had a stroke sometime Saturday night and have been pretty much unable to do much of anything since. However, we are fighting the good fight, we're in rehab, and I think some progress is being made.
I'm hoping to be able to go home early next week and to continue rehab in Seattle since all of my doctors are there. My personal belief is you always heal better at home and I've got to believe I will be more comfortable around things with which I am familiar, so we will see how it all goes and we'll try to keep you posted.
This post is being sent to you thanks to the services of my granddaughter, Sarah, as it's impossible for me at this point to type. So, we'll be in touch.


Jeanine said...

Hi Daddy,

I'm glad you were able to get a note posted. I'm sure your "people" were beginning to wonder what was up.

Also, I'm looking forward to getting you home.


jerry said...

kunhntHi John,

I hope by now you're home and feeling better

Greg Donovan said...

I am going to be in San Francisco this week and was wondering if you would like to see another old guy you know? Let me know if you are up for it and provide me with the name of the hospital so I can call and check in on you. I know how much you probably enjoy the fine cuisine of hospital food so I won't ask to share your lunch. Greg Donovan 775-225-2880 (cell) 775-831-2061 (home)

Jim Musgrave said...

A little late in commenting. We hope you are home now, hanging in and improving. We support you as much as we know how though at this distance. Jan and I are also hanging in or on in spite of chronic issues which interfere with the lifestyle we would like to keep. We made reservations at Lakewood Village here in Fort Worth but no idea when a spot will open for us. We look forward to your next message. Jim and Jan Musgrave

Greg Donovan said...

OK Big Boy, now that you are home...Let's hear from you!

Mary said...

Daddy, I was very glad to talk to you yesterday and am glad that you anticipate going home/home on Friday. I hope that the improvements continue. Talk to you later. Mert